If you have ever loved a dog, you know how hard it is to lose a dog. Losing a pet who has been by your side for many years can be a difficult thing to go through. Many pet owners who lose pets are opting to have their pet cremated or buried in a plot so that they can have a sense of closure, plus a place to visit or something to hold on to. If you are interested in having yourself buried next to your best friend, you will need to take a few pre-planning steps.
Opt for cremation for the two of you
If your pet dies before you, you can have them cremated and their ashes placed inside of an urn. Upon your death, you can also get cremated and share a plot. Be sure to write down your wishes in your last will and testament and also inform your power of attorney holder of what you desire to happen. It is also necessary that your family and friends know the location of your pets urn ashes so that they can get interred with you.
Get a regular plot and a double headstone
Animals mean a lot to people in real life. As a final dedication to your pet, give them a space of dedication via a double headstone. You can have the headstone created that features your information on one side and your pet's information on the other. Although you will need to ensure that your plot has space for a double headstone, a regular burial plot will be fine. Your ashes and your pets ashes can easily be interred together since they will not take up an abnormal amount of space. You may elect to get a casket and have both of your ashes placed inside of the casket for burial.
Check out funeral homes in advance
Some funeral homes will be happy to place a pet for burial with their own. Other funeral homes may not be as keen on the idea. To make sure that there is no scrambling around for your family after death, you should locate a funeral home that is fine with burying yourself and your pet together inside of the same casket. Be sure to collect their information and include it with the rest of your final instructions. Having all of the information prepared can make sure that you and your best friend may rest together with ease.
For more information, contact establishments like Holmes Funeral Home.